Mouse in the Library
For R.C. my real-life library mouseI’m calm here and quiet
I just can’t deny it
It’s a great place to stay
When I’ve have a bad day
In books I escape
In a warm peaceful space
There’s a big fluffy rug
Like a comfortable hug
I ruffle the pages
And curl up for ages
I don’t make a sound
And there’s no one around
I sometimes stock shelves
if I need time by myself
when I’m not feeling great
I can get my head straight
I’m the library mouse
And here’s where I douse
Those sad angry thoughts
And find peace…Of course!
I just can’t deny it
It’s a great place to stay
When I’ve have a bad day
In books I escape
In a warm peaceful space
There’s a big fluffy rug
Like a comfortable hug
I ruffle the pages
And curl up for ages
I don’t make a sound
And there’s no one around
I sometimes stock shelves
if I need time by myself
when I’m not feeling great
I can get my head straight
I’m the library mouse
And here’s where I douse
Those sad angry thoughts
And find peace…Of course!
This poem is copyright (©) Kit Weston 2024
About the Writer
Kit Weston
Former primary teacher and school librarian, Kit is an enthusiastic reader and creative writer, who runs poetry workshops for children. Living in The Garden of England, she takes inspiration from everything – though the natural world and the children she is privileged to teach do feature. Her poetry has appeared here (The Dirigible Balloon), Parakeet Magazine and has been used in schools from Tonbridge to Bristol! One of her poems has recently been translated into Croatian on behalf of JAR a Juvenile Arthritis Research charity, very close to her heart! You can find her @Kit_weston1.