The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


So many colors in shapes and in sizes.
So many moments. So many surprises.

Each day I awake with so much in view.
With decisions to make, there is so much to do.

Where will I go? How will today end?
On the road that I travel, what waits ‘round the bend?

So often, I’m proud to be on my own.
But sometimes I fall, and I feel all alone.

I want to stand up, but I stumble instead.
I cannot go back, and I can’t move ahead.

Then friends come along, and they lend me a hand.
They listen and tell me that they understand.

They give me support as I go on my way.
They’re with me tomorrow as well as today.

And when the night ends and the sun is in sight,
we join hands together, and we dance in the light.

About the Writer

Alan M Sugar

Alan shares his poetry in Decatur, Georgia where he currently resides. Now retired from teaching special needs children in the public schools of Atlanta, he works as a writing tutor at Perimeter College of Georgia State University. Alan writes many poems, and you can find some of them in the Atlanta Review, The Jewish Literary Journal, The Lyric, The Ekphrastic Review, The Awakenings Review, RFD and … the Dirigible Balloon.