Me Vs Hedgehog
I like the daytime.
You like the night.
You stay in bed all day,
I like the light.
You’re prickly by nature.
I’m soft as a breeze.
I bathe every day
But you’re full of fleas!
I like good food.
You’re happy with slugs,
Snails and caterpillars -
Any old bugs.
I see winter
Dark nights, a snowfall.
You sleep right through it,
Curled up in a ball,
Happy as Larry
Snugged up and snoring.
Hedgehogs are precious
But sometimes they’re boring!
You like the night.
You stay in bed all day,
I like the light.
You’re prickly by nature.
I’m soft as a breeze.
I bathe every day
But you’re full of fleas!
I like good food.
You’re happy with slugs,
Snails and caterpillars -
Any old bugs.
I see winter
Dark nights, a snowfall.
You sleep right through it,
Curled up in a ball,
Happy as Larry
Snugged up and snoring.
Hedgehogs are precious
But sometimes they’re boring!
This poem is copyright (©) Val Harris 2025

About the Writer
Val Harris
Val lives near Farnham in England. Her debut children’s poem was published online at The Dirigible Balloon, along with several others since then. Her poems have been published in The Caterpillar Magazine, Paperbound Magazine, The Toy Press and Little Thoughts Press. Her first poetry collection, A Classroom of Stars, was published at the end of 2022. She is @valpoet on Instagram and @dragontripper Val Poet on Twitter. Website: