The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Little Hopper Learns a Lesson

A little lemon hopper went
out foraging alone,
but disobeyed his mother by
meandering from home.

When Mummy Locust noticed him,
it was a great relief
to find him resting in the grass
and nibbling on a leaf.

A hungry gecko scurried by
intent on grabbing lunch,
“Watch out!” his mummy called aloud,
then heard a splitting crunch.

Her son was in the lizard’s mouth
legs wriggling all about;
the gecko didn’t swallow him
but gave a croaky shout.

It spat him out and scampered off
- a snake had slithered near
that hissed at little hopper who
began to shake with fear.

“Come quick” his mother shouted, as
they jumped into a tree,
where mummy saw the lizard must
have munched poor hopper’s knee -

The snake’s arrival saved him from
the hungry lizard’s tummy,
but Hopper’s learned his lesson well
and listens to his mummy.

About the Writer

Eira Needham

Eira Needham is a retired teacher, living in Birmingham UK. She keeps leopard geckos and corn snakes as pets, which have been known to creep into a poem or two. Some of her children’s poems can be found in West Ward Quarterly, where she has also been ‘Featured Writer’. She came first in Inter Board Poetry Contest with a sonnet and recently been nominated for Sundress Publications, Best of the Net 2023.