Jennifer Grouch
Jennifer Grouch was a creature of spite
who nibbled and stung with astonishing might.
If any a predator entered the fray,
they left unimpressed at becoming the prey.
Neighbour and enemy fully deterred,
she gloated all night that dominion was hers.
Bitterly fought over, bitterly won;
queen of a populace numbering none.
Triumph got tedious by the weekend;
she wondered what it would be like to have friends,
struggled to picture the dubious scene,
collapsed on the floor and proceeded to dream ...
Jennifer's flying high,
in sync with the birds in a custard sky.
Jennifer's making swoops,
conversing in pigeon and looping loops.
Jennifer's piercing space,
Alpha Centauri is quite the place.
Jennifer's travelling time,
'Be with you yesterday evening at nine.'
Jennifer wakes, the sunshine above,
lifted by hopes, a curious love,
knows at the back, where once was a sting,
lie colourful, delicate butterfly wings.
who nibbled and stung with astonishing might.
If any a predator entered the fray,
they left unimpressed at becoming the prey.
Neighbour and enemy fully deterred,
she gloated all night that dominion was hers.
Bitterly fought over, bitterly won;
queen of a populace numbering none.
Triumph got tedious by the weekend;
she wondered what it would be like to have friends,
struggled to picture the dubious scene,
collapsed on the floor and proceeded to dream ...
Jennifer's flying high,
in sync with the birds in a custard sky.
Jennifer's making swoops,
conversing in pigeon and looping loops.
Jennifer's piercing space,
Alpha Centauri is quite the place.
Jennifer's travelling time,
'Be with you yesterday evening at nine.'
Jennifer wakes, the sunshine above,
lifted by hopes, a curious love,
knows at the back, where once was a sting,
lie colourful, delicate butterfly wings.
This poem is copyright (©) Lawrence Moore 2025

About the Writer
Lawrence Moore
Lawrence writes from a loft study overlooking the coastal city of Portsmouth where he lives with his husband Matt and nine mostly well behaved cats. His poems have appeared in, among others, Sarasvati, Fevers of the Mind, Feral Poetry and The Madrigal. He has a new poetry collection, The Breadcrumb Trail, published by Jane's Studio Press in March 2024.