The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

I’ve Been Collecting Beetles

(or what you never, ever want to tell your mother!)
I’ve been collecting beetles,
I’ve been collecting slugs,
I’ve been collecting fire ants,
And lots of other bugs.

I’ve been collecting honey bees,
Black widows and some snails,
I also caught a lizard
That doesn’t have a tail.

I’ve been collecting garden snakes,
I even caught a mouse,
And I lost every single one,
Somewhere in the house.

About the Writer

Evelyn Day

Evelyn loves writing about absurd things that make her laugh. If they make other people laugh, then that's a bonus! Evelyn has previously published poems for children in various magazines, including the Caterpillar, Clubhouse Jr., and Skipping Stones. Some of her favorite pastimes include drinking hot chocolate and looking at the time.