It’s Snowed!
Falling flakes tickle your face,
cover the road in a snug embrace,
thick as cream, velvety soft,
let the flakes melt…or lick them off!
Crunching boots leave deep imprints,
a bird hop-hops its tiny footprints,
four-toed marks spattered around,
as it searches for worms in the white-coated ground.
Flashes of sunlight make roofs gleam and glint,
bright slabs of ice, cakes of cold mint.
Trees carry a heavy white load,
drip-dropping their burden onto the road.
A wizard has swished his magical wand
charming a puddle to a frozen pond.
I want that wizard to stay all day,
I don’t want this white world to go away!
cover the road in a snug embrace,
thick as cream, velvety soft,
let the flakes melt…or lick them off!
Crunching boots leave deep imprints,
a bird hop-hops its tiny footprints,
four-toed marks spattered around,
as it searches for worms in the white-coated ground.
Flashes of sunlight make roofs gleam and glint,
bright slabs of ice, cakes of cold mint.
Trees carry a heavy white load,
drip-dropping their burden onto the road.
A wizard has swished his magical wand
charming a puddle to a frozen pond.
I want that wizard to stay all day,
I don’t want this white world to go away!
This poem is copyright (©) Barbara Bleiman 2025

About the Writer
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara is an ex-English teacher and writer of adult and YA fiction, with two novels published and a recent collection of short stories for adults, Kremlinology of Kisses. Barbara has an anthology of short stories for secondary school students coming out in the autumn via the English and Media Centre where she works.