In the Garden
What’s that in the sky
flying like an arrow?
It’s a sparrow.
What’s that moving in the earth,
with a wiggle and a squirm?
It’s a worm.
What’s that humming blob
fizzing past close by?
It’s a fly.
What’s that pink flower
scented, near my nose?
It’s a rose.
What’s that stripy whizzer
buzzing next to me?
It’s a bee.
What’s that purry,
padding, soft and secret thing?
A cat about to spring!
What’s that creeper
with a shell and silvery trail?
An oh so slow and very sleepy snail.
What’s that spray of diamonds,
a flashy splashy tinkler?
It’s a water sprinkler?
What’s that smell
and a loud voice bawling?
It’s sausage and chips
and my daddy calling.
Out of the garden, with so much to see
and into the house,
for a drink and my tea.
flying like an arrow?
It’s a sparrow.
What’s that moving in the earth,
with a wiggle and a squirm?
It’s a worm.
What’s that humming blob
fizzing past close by?
It’s a fly.
What’s that pink flower
scented, near my nose?
It’s a rose.
What’s that stripy whizzer
buzzing next to me?
It’s a bee.
What’s that purry,
padding, soft and secret thing?
A cat about to spring!
What’s that creeper
with a shell and silvery trail?
An oh so slow and very sleepy snail.
What’s that spray of diamonds,
a flashy splashy tinkler?
It’s a water sprinkler?
What’s that smell
and a loud voice bawling?
It’s sausage and chips
and my daddy calling.
Out of the garden, with so much to see
and into the house,
for a drink and my tea.
This poem is copyright (©) Barbara Bleiman 2025

About the Writer
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara is an ex-English teacher and writer of adult and YA fiction, with two novels published and a recent collection of short stories for adults, Kremlinology of Kisses. Barbara has an anthology of short stories for secondary school students coming out in the autumn via the English and Media Centre where she works.