I’m Hungry
A cloud is whipped cream in the sky.
A leaf is a butterscotch floating by.
The rain is like syrup poured over waffles,
And the stones near the river are round as falafels.
The leashes on dogs are like oodles of noodles
With tiny meringues for the fur on the poodles.
A kite is a lollipop just out of reach
And a hot air balloon’s a gigantic peach.
The sandbox reminds me of mama’s shortbread
And the fountain’s a veritable oyster bed.
The catamaran’s sails flapping in the breeze
Resemble delightful pieces of cheese!
When I’m hungry, everything’s great outside,
Especially served with a pepperoni slice.
A leaf is a butterscotch floating by.
The rain is like syrup poured over waffles,
And the stones near the river are round as falafels.
The leashes on dogs are like oodles of noodles
With tiny meringues for the fur on the poodles.
A kite is a lollipop just out of reach
And a hot air balloon’s a gigantic peach.
The sandbox reminds me of mama’s shortbread
And the fountain’s a veritable oyster bed.
The catamaran’s sails flapping in the breeze
Resemble delightful pieces of cheese!
When I’m hungry, everything’s great outside,
Especially served with a pepperoni slice.
This poem is copyright (©) Veronica Szczygiel 2025

About the Writer
Veronica Szczygiel
Veronica Szczygiel, Ph.D., is a writer and Director of Online Learning at Fordham University in New York City. She loves to hike and camp with her survivalist husband and their rescue dog Sonia. She gardens with her adopted cat Shadow in her magical urban backyard, bakes bread and fruit tarts, paints landscapes, travels, and reads avidly. Veronica has published in Highlights High Five, FAITH, Radiant, Busted Halo and other multimedia publications. You can find her work on her website, veronicaszczygiel.com.