I Dream About Djibouti
I dream about Djibouti,
And imagine India,
I meditate Mongolia,
And Ethiopia,
I marvel how far to Madagascar,
Or Cameroon or Cuba,
I ruminate Romania,
And idealize Aruba,
I picture kids a lot like me,
In countries all about,
And wonder if they sit by maps
When they are in time out!
And imagine India,
I meditate Mongolia,
And Ethiopia,
I marvel how far to Madagascar,
Or Cameroon or Cuba,
I ruminate Romania,
And idealize Aruba,
I picture kids a lot like me,
In countries all about,
And wonder if they sit by maps
When they are in time out!
This poem is copyright (©) Evelyn Day 2025

About the Writer
Evelyn Day
Evelyn loves writing about absurd things that make her laugh. If they make other people laugh, then that's a bonus! Evelyn has previously published poems for children in various magazines, including the Caterpillar, Clubhouse Jr., and Skipping Stones. Some of her favorite pastimes include drinking hot chocolate and looking at the time.