I Do Not Like The Wind
I do not like the wind, I don’t.
I will not change my mind, I won’t.
It blew away my favourite coat
When I went sailing on a boat.
It’s cold and cruel, it howls and roars,
It hunts you down when your outdoors.
It made the boat’s boom hit my head
Which left a bump that’s large and red.
It stops and starts, with gusts so strong,
Then blows and blows for all day long.
It rocked the boat so much I cried
And made me feel so sick inside.
I do not like the wind, I’m sure.
Although I don’t like sailing more.
I will not change my mind, I won’t.
It blew away my favourite coat
When I went sailing on a boat.
It’s cold and cruel, it howls and roars,
It hunts you down when your outdoors.
It made the boat’s boom hit my head
Which left a bump that’s large and red.
It stops and starts, with gusts so strong,
Then blows and blows for all day long.
It rocked the boat so much I cried
And made me feel so sick inside.
I do not like the wind, I’m sure.
Although I don’t like sailing more.
This poem is copyright (©) Jonathan Sellars 2025

About the Writer
Jonathan Sellars
Jonathan lives in Greenwich, England. He is severely obsessed with writing poems, primarily ones that rhyme. His work has featured in The Caterpillar and Parakeet magazine and his first picture book, Polly Plum: Brave Adventurer, comes out in Spring 2022. He has two small children, neither of whom can read or write poetry. He's not worried about that. Yet.