The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


Home is a place that you hold
deep inside your heart.
It might be in a building
that is tall or small or smart.
It could be dancing, playing music
or when creating bright new art.
It could be roaming freely
with a beautiful horse and cart.
It might be high upon a hill
watching a river wind and swell
or it could be with a lovely friend
who cares enough to help you mend
when you are hurt by words or deeds
who tends so kindly to your needs.
It could be in a crop filled field,
where swaying plants have grown from seed.
A beach with sand might be your place,
or searching through a scope to space.
It may not be inside four walls
It could be where the water falls.
Within the pages of a treasured book
or fishing with a line and hook.
It could be in your days at school
or in a cool blue swimming pool.
Perhaps it’s in the company of a cat or a dog
or when your watching tadpoles turning into shiny frogs.
It’s somewhere you feel safe and warm.
away from fear and tears and storms.
There’s a home for everyone it’s true!
For me and us and them and you.
Picture by Sarah
Picture by Sarah

About the Writer

Sarah King

Sarah lives in Pembrokeshire in Wales. She is a teacher, therapist, poet, writer, giggler, mother, grandmother to Percy Jackson (it's true, really!) Likes people, words, animals and the planet.