Holiday Dreaming
One more school day -
I can’t wait
until the day I’ll
I’ll lie in bed
after eight,
no one nagging.
‘You’ll be late’
I’ll hike and swim
for hours straight.
I’ll ride my bike
and roller-skate.
I’ll do some fishing
with my mate.
(We’ll fish with lures
with hooks and bait)
I’ve drawn a circle
round the date -
the feeling’s great!
One more school day -
I can’t wait.
I can’t wait
until the day I’ll
I’ll lie in bed
after eight,
no one nagging.
‘You’ll be late’
I’ll hike and swim
for hours straight.
I’ll ride my bike
and roller-skate.
I’ll do some fishing
with my mate.
(We’ll fish with lures
with hooks and bait)
I’ve drawn a circle
round the date -
the feeling’s great!
One more school day -
I can’t wait.
This poem is copyright (©) Kate ONeil 2025

About the Writer
Kate ONeil
Kate O’Neil lives in the Illawarra region of NSW and writes poetry for children and adults. Her poems appear in magazines such as The NSW School Magazine and The Caterpillar, and anthologies by Roger McGough, Roger Stevens, Matt Goodfellow, Mandy Coe and The Emma Press. In 2018 her ‘Cool Poems: the Kate O’Neil Reciter’, was published by Triple D Books Wagga Wagga.