The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Hip Hip Hair-Ay!

Listen to Mab reading her poem ...
Wears a barrette

And Alice
Wears a band

Is a bobble girl

But I
Won’t tie one strand!

Has a ponytail

And Poppy
Has a plait

Binds hers in a bun

But I
Don’t like all that

Oh let my hair
Remain untamed
Oh let it freely roam

I will not tie it like a beast
Although the wind blows
From the east
No clips for me, or comb!

My hair is not
A horse to brush
My hair
Is not a pet

So be off
With your plaits and bands
Be off with your barrette
Be off with your clips and ties
Your scrunchie and your band

I declare
My hair
To be

A fuss-less, truss-free land!

About the Writer

Mab Jones

Mab Jones is a "unique talent" (The Times). She writes in every form, for both adults and children. Her most recent poetry collection is Yubitsume (Indigo Dreams) and she has a book of eco spirituality out soon with Moon Books. She's written for the New York Times, presented on BBC Radio 4, and runs events and workshops, as well as the annual Love the Words international poetry competition. Mab lives in Wales, UK. Find her on social media: @mabjones