Hidden treasures
My neighborhood has treasures
hidden right outside my door.
I can always find them when
I take time to explore.
There are pretty flowers
growing by a peaceful brook
and lovely trees with shade
where I can read my book.
There’s a tree-lined path
many creatures like to share.
I walk it every morning.
I see treasures everywhere.
There’s a song in every tree,
cool rocks on all the roads,
and in the brook, some tadpoles,
who someday will be toads.
I’m happy that I live
where I can go explore
all these fascinating treasures
waiting just outside my door.
hidden right outside my door.
I can always find them when
I take time to explore.
There are pretty flowers
growing by a peaceful brook
and lovely trees with shade
where I can read my book.
There’s a tree-lined path
many creatures like to share.
I walk it every morning.
I see treasures everywhere.
There’s a song in every tree,
cool rocks on all the roads,
and in the brook, some tadpoles,
who someday will be toads.
I’m happy that I live
where I can go explore
all these fascinating treasures
waiting just outside my door.
This poem is copyright (©) Theresa Gaughan 2025

About the Writer
Theresa Gaughan
Theresa is a third-grade teacher living in Knoxville, Tennessee. She is an avid reader and has a very extensive collection of children's books. The first poem she ever shared with others was written in fourth-grade. It was titled, I Have to Pay Attention. Her teacher asked her to make it into a poster that she later displayed in the hallway. Ms. Gaughan has no memory of the lesson that she missed while writing the poem.