The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Heart of Oak

I am oak – of heartwood, sapwood and bark,
Acorn and leaf, standing tall in the park or
Growing ancient in woodland far from crowds,
or marching along hedgerows – straight and proud.
Wind-pruned on headlands, stunted and small, or
alone in a field in majestic sprawl.
Cups hold my future – or new life to feed,
Jays, crows and squirrels, who cache my seed.
In seedlings and saplings, my spirit evokes -
the grandeur and beauty of fully grown Oaks.
Ghosts of my being surround you it seems,
in boats and furniture and fireplace beams.
Though centuries since I was felled I remain
present here with you in the glow of my grain.

About the Writer

Kit Weston

Former primary teacher and school librarian, Kit is an enthusiastic reader and creative writer, who runs poetry workshops for children. Living in The Garden of England, she takes inspiration from everything – though the natural world and the children she is privileged to teach do feature. Her poetry has appeared here (The Dirigible Balloon), Parakeet Magazine and has been used in schools from Tonbridge to Bristol! One of her poems has recently been translated into Croatian on behalf of JAR a Juvenile Arthritis Research charity, very close to her heart! You can find her @Kit_weston1.