Havoc In The Skies
The kingfishers are famished
There’s no dinner dish
They’ve been hunting for hours
But there’s no kings to fish
The crossbills are chaos
Fuelled by sky rage
Close calls and crashes
They get crosser with age
The puffins are struggling
Enough is enough
With no breath to catch
They wheeze as they puff
The waxwings are stiff
It’s hard work to flap
Wax is so heavy
They’re in need of a nap
The sky gives a sigh
It’s time for a break
She turns down the light
For every bird’s sake
There’s no dinner dish
They’ve been hunting for hours
But there’s no kings to fish
The crossbills are chaos
Fuelled by sky rage
Close calls and crashes
They get crosser with age
The puffins are struggling
Enough is enough
With no breath to catch
They wheeze as they puff
The waxwings are stiff
It’s hard work to flap
Wax is so heavy
They’re in need of a nap
The sky gives a sigh
It’s time for a break
She turns down the light
For every bird’s sake
This poem is copyright (©) Hazel Knox 2025

About the Writer
Hazel Knox
Hazel is a children’s poet, writer and occupational therapist based in Edinburgh. She was a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Awardee in 2021 and her poems have been published in The Toy, Little Thoughts Press and Paddler Press. Her chapter book ‘The Night Pixie’ is out in 2024 with HB Publishing House. You can find her on X @hazel_knox / Instagram @hazelknox_writer / hazelknox.com