The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Goodbye Buzzy Bee

We rescued you from Mr Spider’s web,
gave you a proper burial, like Daddy said.
We tucked you into a bed of flowers,
where during the busy sunlit hours,
your friends - the bees and other insects -
could visit you to pay their respects;
crawling on petals, dancing around leaves,
goodbye Buzzy friend, most beloved of bees!

About the Writer

Mims Sully

Mims is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominated poet from Sussex, England. Her poetry for adults has been widely published both in print and online. She has recently started writing poetry for children and her poem 'Rock Pooling' can be found in issue 5 of Tyger Tyger. When not writing, she loves to bake cakes, read and tend to her ever-increasing house plant collection.