The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Frozen Fairy Tale

Snow on the swings, snow on the slide,
snow shimmering bright white and wide.
Snow above and snow underneath,
snow on each branch, berry and leaf.
The field’s a soft, angel-wing sheet -
not a clue where grey and green meet.
Fleets of benches silently set sail,
grown-ups are stepping slow as snails.
Snow on eyelashes, snow on tongues,
snowy feathers kissing everyone.

The school’s a frozen fairy tale,
sliced by the caretaker’s gritted trail.
Listen out for the oohs and aahs.
Clap a hooray! Dance a hurrah!

This day of play I’ve waited for -
hat and wellies on, I’m first out the door!

About the Writer

Linda Middleton

Linda lives in the south east of England and enjoys writing and performing poetry for children. Her work has appeared in anthologies and various print magazines and online journals. You can find some of her poems at The Caterpillar, Little Thoughts Press, Northern Gravy and Candlestick Press. In her spare time, she can be found walking through her local woods and watching wildlife.