Field Trip
Bunnies take the backseat, flamingoes fill the front.
Rhinos rest upon the roof, turtles swim inside the trunk.
Weasel’s ready at the wheel for adventure to ensue–
Today’s their day to visit wild humans at the zoo
Rhinos rest upon the roof, turtles swim inside the trunk.
Weasel’s ready at the wheel for adventure to ensue–
Today’s their day to visit wild humans at the zoo
This poem is copyright (©) Sharon Korzelius 2025

About the Writer
Sharon Korzelius
SJ Korzelius is a writer who dislikes coffee, a teacher who loves engaging her students, and photographer who enjoys capturing the serenity of nature in her camera. Her latest publications include Poetry as Promised, and Trash To Treasure Lit, and Little Old Lady Comedy. You can find her @SharonKorzelius.