The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


I hurried past you every morning
on my way to class.
Always, you stood tall and calm,
waving as I’d pass.

After school, when running home,
I’d spot your shadow swaying,
shading half the sidewalk where
the hopscotchers were playing.

On rainy days, I’d come in close
and seek a place to hide.
You’d act as my umbrella with
your giant arms spread wide.

I wish I’d paid attention then
and seen your branches falling.
I should have sensed the danger when
the noisy trucks came calling.

Perhaps I could have rescued you
if I had thought to try.
At least I could have whispered, ‘Thanks,’
‘I’m sorry,’ and, ‘Goodbye.’

I take my time now, walking past
the spot where you should be.
Though others might forget, I wave.
You’re Evergreen to me.

About the Writer

Lisa Varchol Perron

Lisa Varchol Perron writes children's poetry, picture books, and middle-grade novels. Past and forthcoming publications include The Caterpillar, Highlights Hello, High Five, The School Magazine and children's poetry anthologies. She was a finalist in the 2021 Madness! Poetry tournament for children's poets, and her debut picture book is scheduled for spring of 2023. Lisa lives with her family just outside of Boston, Massachusetts.