The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Counting on the Homecoming

I’m counting the lonely slippers,
moping, one, two, upon the floor.
I’m counting the dawns and dusks
before your light shines through the door.
I’m counting the choccy biscuits
I’ve tower-stacked and saved for you.
The ‘Welcome Home’ bedsheet banner
is awash with summer-sky-blue.
Sofa cushions store sinking softness,
cotton clouds all one, two and three.
Our favourite games are hoping
to hear laughter from you and me.
I’m counting the shimmery stars
that will shine from Mum’s blissful eyes,
tail wags and hugs, bright beaming smiles
and birdsongs from jubilant skies.

Hours, minutes and streeeetched seconds
are counted like the slowest snails.
All this counting… counting… counting…
waiting for breeze for our limp sails.

And when you’re home safely, Daddy,
we’ll wrap you in love and home life.
Every small part from head to toe,
we never wish to let you go.

About the Writer

Linda Middleton

Linda lives in the south east of England and enjoys writing and performing poetry for children. Her work has appeared in anthologies and various print magazines and online journals. You can find some of her poems at The Caterpillar, Little Thoughts Press, Northern Gravy and Candlestick Press. In her spare time, she can be found walking through her local woods and watching wildlife.