The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Colored Candles

In the window
colored candles
flame and flicker,
glow and sway.
They drive away
the frozen darkness,
keep the moonless
night at bay.

Children spin
their wooden dreidels,
candles shrink
and spirits grow.
Voices join to
sing of wonder,
of long ago.

Tonight is Chanukah!

About the Writer

Buffy Silverman

Buffy’s fascination with nature inspires much of her writing. Her recent book, On a Snow-Melting Day: Seeking Signs of Spring, received a star from Kirkus Reviews and is an NCTE 2021 Notable Poetry Book. A companion book, On a Gold-Blooming Day: Finding Fall Treasures, is an NCTE 2023 Notable Book in the Language Arts. She lives near a swampy lake in Michigan where she enjoys outdoor time with her dog, watching and photographing nature, and writing poetry.