The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Christmas Eve Countdown

TEN cheeky Christmas elves, wrapping in a line,
One gets all tangled up, now there are... nine!

NINE restless reindeers, waiting by the gate,
One’s feeling sleepy, now there are… eight!

EIGHT tree-top angels, haloes sent from heaven,
One has toppled over, now there are… seven!

SEVEN sacks bulging, filled with toys and tricks,
One has fallen from the sleigh, now there are… six!

SIX magic snowmen, looking so alive,
One has started melting, now there are… five!

FIVE wind-up robots, on the workshop floor,
One has walked into a wall, now there are…four!

FOUR candles burning, by the Christmas tree,
One flame has fizzled out, now there are… three!

THREE cookies waiting, milk and carrots too,
One is taken by the dog, now there are… two!

TWO excited siblings, having lots of fun,
One has fallen fast asleep, now there is… one!

ONE Father Christmas shouting: “HO! HO! HO!”
Sat aboard his stacked-up sleigh, now it’s time to…


About the Writer

Sue Lancaster

Sue is a children's writer living in South West London with her husband, two children and pet budgie, Buddy. Before turning her hand to writing, Sue worked in TV as a Production Manager and got her degree in Media Studies at the University of East London. She grew up in Clacton on the coast of Essex and spent much of her childhood writing stories and poems, playing with her three cats, and being tormented by her two older brothers.