Cheery Flight
I heard the chirp
then saw the beak
a bright white flash
peeked from the tree
another chirp
greeted me.
Who is this creature
playing hide and seek?
Frozen in place
I held my breath
and waited
a yellow streak
flew to the sun
green wing tips
bright in the light
the great mystery
solved at last …
it’s a Great Tit
in cheery flight!
then saw the beak
a bright white flash
peeked from the tree
another chirp
greeted me.
Who is this creature
playing hide and seek?
Frozen in place
I held my breath
and waited
a yellow streak
flew to the sun
green wing tips
bright in the light
the great mystery
solved at last …
it’s a Great Tit
in cheery flight!
This poem is copyright (©) Rebecca St. Pierre 2025

About the Writer
Rebecca St. Pierre
Rebecca writes, photographs nature, and creates artwork in Ontario, Canada. Her writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including YES Mag: The Science Magazine for Adventurous Minds and the book The Fur-Bearing Trout...and Other True Tales of Canadian Life. Rebecca's haiku received honourable mention in the 11th-Annual ACES Poetry Contest. She enjoys helping protect wild animals as a volunteer writer for a wildlife rehabilitation centre.