Cereals - Poales
Wild grasses, wind-blown like waves on the sea;
Tall stalks bearing grain, nodding heavily
When green turns to gold, ripe for gathering;
Once harvest is stored, the feast can begin.
Cereals nourish both human and herd,
And mice, soft-footed like shadows, will stir
Their scurrying paws as swift as they’re able
To feast uninvited; under the table.
Tall stalks bearing grain, nodding heavily
When green turns to gold, ripe for gathering;
Once harvest is stored, the feast can begin.
Cereals nourish both human and herd,
And mice, soft-footed like shadows, will stir
Their scurrying paws as swift as they’re able
To feast uninvited; under the table.
This poem is copyright (©) Liz Kendall 2025

About the Writer
Liz Kendall
Liz Kendall writes poetry for adults and children. Her co-authored hardback Meet Us and Eat Us: Food plants from around the world celebrates biodiversity in poetry, prose, and fine art photography. Publications include Candlestick Press, The Hedgehog Poetry Press, Flights, Allegro, The Dirigible Balloon, Thimble Lit Mag, Amethyst Review and Lighten Up Online. Find her online at theedgeofthewoods.uk, @rowansarered on Twitter/Facebook.