The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Caught in a Cloudburst!

Rain lashing,
Face splashing,
Wind roaring
Storm warning,

Down pouring,
Cloud bursting,
Gutters gushing
River flooding,

Hair drenching,
Clothes soaking,
Puddle hopping,
Forked lightning,

Timbers creaking,
Roof leaking,
Thunder cracks the sky!

Wind gusting,
Brolly busting,
Gale forcing,
Scarf flapping,

Pressure rising,
Rain slowing,
Splish splashing,
Pitter patting,

Water going,
Breeze blowing,
Drops dripping,
Clouds breaking,

Silver lining,
Sun shining,
Rainbow way up high!

About the Writer

Corrine Leith

Corrine lives in Leicestershire and loves to walk her dogs over fields on frosty mornings. She writes flash fiction, children’s stories, and dabbles in poetry. Corrine likes magic and monsters and wanders around with her head full of fairy tales. She has been published online and in print including Mslexia, Dream Well Writing, Flash Fiction Festival and Scottish Arts Trust.