Cat’s Garden
The cat pads
through clumps of snowdrops.
She pats each
delicate petal.
The garden
is a forest.
Wintry brambles – bare.
Catkins bunch against the wall –
not yet with tassels of spring.
She waits, darts a paw,
again and again – whips
the trembling pods.
Her eyes dart.
With that throaty trill
of a successful stalk,
she purrs joy.
through clumps of snowdrops.
She pats each
delicate petal.
The garden
is a forest.
Wintry brambles – bare.
Catkins bunch against the wall –
not yet with tassels of spring.
She waits, darts a paw,
again and again – whips
the trembling pods.
Her eyes dart.
With that throaty trill
of a successful stalk,
she purrs joy.
This poem is copyright (©) Alison Campbell 2025

About the Writer
Alison Campbell
Alison loves reading poems and stories to her grandchildren (seven and four years) and they in turn love choosing books from the library to bring home. They also love writing and drawing in their notebooks.