The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Brave a Wingbeat

Brave a wingbeat and fly one more.
The albatross circles the globe,
Adventuring to distant shores.
Brave a wingbeat and fly one more
Where eagles soar and mountains roar,
Sparkling with stars on soft snow robes.
Brave a wingbeat and fly one more,
Swallow swirling until you’re sure.
Bravely beginning with one wingbeat …
The albatross circles the globe.

About the Writer

Linda Middleton

Linda is a lifelong lover of writing and began sharing her passion for rhythm and rhyme last year. Her work can be found online and in magazines, including The Caterpillar and Pure in Heart Stories. She enjoys supporting children with their learning and teaching RE in a primary school in a leafy corner of England. In her spare time when she is not writing, she can be found wood wandering, beach strolling and ice cream tasting.