The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Braggy Winter Tree

Winter tree, you’re such a show-off—
reaching up so high,
waving branches in the breeze
against the deep blue sky.

But I don’t really mind at all,
I see you’re having fun
with all your shapes and curvy lines
undressed in winter’s sun!

About the Writer

Carol Coven Grannick

Carol Coven Grannick's short fiction and poetry for children has appeared in Cricket, Ladybug, Babybug, Highlights, and Hello. Her middle grade novel in verse, Reeni's Turn, debuted in September of 2020 from Fitzroy Books/Regal House Publishing. Her poetry for adults appears/is forthcoming in multiple print and online venues, most recently including Capsule Stories, The Birmingham Arts Journal, West Texas Review, and The Write City Review (Chicago Writers Association).