Boborygmus is a noisy monster living in my belly,
He makes horrendous noises when I’m trying to watch the telly.
Brussels sprouts make him shout, broccoli makes him bubble.
Greens, beans and aubergines cause all kinds of trouble.
Cauliflower gives him power and cabbage makes him burble,
Turnips, chips and spicy dips all cause a ghastly gurgle.
At school time, in assembly when we fold our hands in prayer,
He gives a massive rumble and the other kids all stare.
He grumbles after breakfast and he mumbles after lunch,
In fact, he’s just a noisy hog who wakes up when I munch.
How can I keep this monster still? He goes all squirly when I’m ill,
And when I think I can’t go on ...
... he bursts from my bottom and then he’s gone!
He makes horrendous noises when I’m trying to watch the telly.
Brussels sprouts make him shout, broccoli makes him bubble.
Greens, beans and aubergines cause all kinds of trouble.
Cauliflower gives him power and cabbage makes him burble,
Turnips, chips and spicy dips all cause a ghastly gurgle.
At school time, in assembly when we fold our hands in prayer,
He gives a massive rumble and the other kids all stare.
He grumbles after breakfast and he mumbles after lunch,
In fact, he’s just a noisy hog who wakes up when I munch.
How can I keep this monster still? He goes all squirly when I’m ill,
And when I think I can’t go on ...
... he bursts from my bottom and then he’s gone!
(Boborygmus is the scientific name for all those noises in your gut)
This poem is copyright (©) Sarah J Dodd 2025

About the Writer
Sarah J Dodd
Much of Sarah's writing career has been in fiction - several pictures books published by Lion Children's, many graded reading books for South Korean publisher Darakwon and most recently, a middle grade novel about the rewilding of lynx, Keeper of Secrets, published by award-winning Firefly Press. Her poem, Don't Look Into the Cupboard, Dear! was the runner-up in The Plough Prize 2010 and Ground to Air Warfare was published in the Let in the Stars poetry anthology 2014 (Manchester Metropolitan University). Sarah teaches part time in primary schools and loves to get out in nature for long walks, photography and Art.