An Unlikelier Band of Fellows
An unlikelier band of fellows had never sailed the seas
The captain wore suits
And polished his boots
Though water came up to his knees
An unlikelier band of fellows had never hoisted sail
Intrepid and keen
Their toenails were green
And their skin was decidedly pale
An unlikelier band of fellows had never left the land
They dined on eclairs
And prickly pears
And all of it covered in sand
An unlikelier band of fellows had never entered port
Their ship ran aground
And one nearly drowned
But only because he was short
The captain wore suits
And polished his boots
Though water came up to his knees
An unlikelier band of fellows had never hoisted sail
Intrepid and keen
Their toenails were green
And their skin was decidedly pale
An unlikelier band of fellows had never left the land
They dined on eclairs
And prickly pears
And all of it covered in sand
An unlikelier band of fellows had never entered port
Their ship ran aground
And one nearly drowned
But only because he was short
This poem is copyright (©) Amy Chandler 2025

About the Writer
Amy Chandler
Amy lives in London and writes for children and adults. In fact, her brain is constantly swirling with words. All her rhymes go through a rigorous approval process overseen by her six-year-old son.