An Inexhaustible List Of Small And Important Things
Time with granny,
A walk by the pond watching the Grebe babies sail,
on their parents' backs,
to the reed rushes where
the kingfisher peeps,
a flash of aqua lightning.
Counting the stars with cocoa at,
the window-ledge,
covered with spider plants
tickling your knees.
Enjoying the journey to the moon,
and back again,
though never leaving the kitchen.
Imagining that you could place your dreams,
Into the eye of a marble,
a tight twist of emerald thought,
and possibility.
Kissing your grandmother good night.
Walking the neighbour's dog.
Feeding the tortoise at the bowling green,
lush lettuce.
Carrying buns home from the bakers.
Smelling the mint on the path.
A picnic.
A walk by the pond watching the Grebe babies sail,
on their parents' backs,
to the reed rushes where
the kingfisher peeps,
a flash of aqua lightning.
Counting the stars with cocoa at,
the window-ledge,
covered with spider plants
tickling your knees.
Enjoying the journey to the moon,
and back again,
though never leaving the kitchen.
Imagining that you could place your dreams,
Into the eye of a marble,
a tight twist of emerald thought,
and possibility.
Kissing your grandmother good night.
Walking the neighbour's dog.
Feeding the tortoise at the bowling green,
lush lettuce.
Carrying buns home from the bakers.
Smelling the mint on the path.
A picnic.
This poem is copyright (©) Laura Cooney 2025

About the Writer
Laura Cooney
Laura is a writer from Edinburgh who writes for both children and grown ups and has numerous publications both in print and online. When she's not doing 'lots of writing' she'll be found with her two daughters as close to the sea as possible, probably looking for shells. There will be ice-cream!