Hey there, crawly creepers
bright buzzers, fleet fliers,
Here I am, looking at you,
Ant on a narrow blade of meadow grass
deep in your dense,
ancient jungle.
Bee on a sweet-scented shrub
feasting on nectar
in your magnificent mansion.
Slug slow-slinking over a paving stone
dawdling on your motorway,
risking danger and death.
Sand hopper on a fine-grained beach
searching the parched Sahara
for a cool, damp oasis.
Spider hanging on a window’s web,
your tightrope strung up
above the noisy, grimy city.
Ladybird crawling across a peachy warm
plush-carpeted floor -
my arm!
And me?
Tonight, the quizzical stars in the sky
Will look down and blink in surprise
amazed at me
and how tiny
I am.
bright buzzers, fleet fliers,
Here I am, looking at you,
Ant on a narrow blade of meadow grass
deep in your dense,
ancient jungle.
Bee on a sweet-scented shrub
feasting on nectar
in your magnificent mansion.
Slug slow-slinking over a paving stone
dawdling on your motorway,
risking danger and death.
Sand hopper on a fine-grained beach
searching the parched Sahara
for a cool, damp oasis.
Spider hanging on a window’s web,
your tightrope strung up
above the noisy, grimy city.
Ladybird crawling across a peachy warm
plush-carpeted floor -
my arm!
And me?
Tonight, the quizzical stars in the sky
Will look down and blink in surprise
amazed at me
and how tiny
I am.
This poem is copyright (©) Barbara Bleiman 2025

About the Writer
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara is an ex-English teacher and writer of adult and YA fiction, with two novels published and a recent collection of short stories for adults, Kremlinology of Kisses. Barbara has an anthology of short stories for secondary school students coming out in the autumn via the English and Media Centre where she works.