A Recipe for Dancing
Take two arms, let them fly and swing
Take two legs, let them twist and spin
Whirl them round in a swirling churn,
Flick them one way,
then do a sudden turn.
Take some fingers, open them wide
Take some toes, make them slip and slide
Take a belly, let it jiggle
Take some hips, let them wiggle
Take a bottom and stick it out
Take some shoulders, shake them all about.
Get your body to a roiling, boiling heat.
Whip things up
with fast, whirring feet.
and sing
do a loud, low whoop!
in a great big dancing
Take two legs, let them twist and spin
Whirl them round in a swirling churn,
Flick them one way,
then do a sudden turn.
Take some fingers, open them wide
Take some toes, make them slip and slide
Take a belly, let it jiggle
Take some hips, let them wiggle
Take a bottom and stick it out
Take some shoulders, shake them all about.
Get your body to a roiling, boiling heat.
Whip things up
with fast, whirring feet.
and sing
do a loud, low whoop!
in a great big dancing
This poem is copyright (©) Barbara Bleiman 2025

About the Writer
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara is an ex-English teacher and writer of adult and YA fiction, with two novels published and a recent collection of short stories for adults, Kremlinology of Kisses. Barbara has an anthology of short stories for secondary school students coming out in the autumn via the English and Media Centre where she works.