A Promise
Amongst the grass,
a cluster of clover.
Over the clover,
a foraging bee.
Carried by the bee,
a bead of pollen.
Within the pollen,
a golden promise
of honey on toast for me.
a cluster of clover.
Over the clover,
a foraging bee.
Carried by the bee,
a bead of pollen.
Within the pollen,
a golden promise
of honey on toast for me.
This poem is copyright (©) Kathryn Dove 2025

About the Writer
Kathryn Dove
Kathryn writes fiction and poetry for children. She enjoys the alchemy of poetry and seeing how a dash of imagination can transform ordinary life into something surprising and wonderful. She has lived in London and spent a summer working in a small village on the west coast of Scotland. Kathryn now lives with her family in Auckland, New Zealand.