A Note from the Fruit and Veg
Don’t wrap us up
Please set us free
Out on the shelf
Where we should be
No plastic bags
We like to breathe
And those who buy
Likely agree
Cloth bags work great
Can be reused
And packed with care
We won’t get bruised
Then shoppers get
Just what they need
There’ll be less waste
We must succeed
The plastic ends
Up in the sea
Hurts animals
So, hear our plea …
Don’t wrap us up
Please set us free
No plastic bags
We like to breathe.
Please set us free
Out on the shelf
Where we should be
No plastic bags
We like to breathe
And those who buy
Likely agree
Cloth bags work great
Can be reused
And packed with care
We won’t get bruised
Then shoppers get
Just what they need
There’ll be less waste
We must succeed
The plastic ends
Up in the sea
Hurts animals
So, hear our plea …
Don’t wrap us up
Please set us free
No plastic bags
We like to breathe.
This poem is copyright (©) Kirsty Tomlin 2025

About the Writer
Kirsty Tomlin
Kirsty writes and illustrates picture books, short stories and poems for children. She lives in beautiful Derbyshire with her three children and husband. She has been a primary school teacher in a past life and has worked for a number of children’s charities. When she is not writing and drawing, she can be found walking, playing, throwing stones in the river and reading to her lovely children.