A Letter FROM Father Christmas
Each year many millions of letters
Arrive in great sacks at my door,
And it takes me a week to climb up to the top
Of the mountain they make on the floor,
I read every one, I note every wish,
It takes quite a while but I do,
Then me and my elves do the best that we can
To make all those wishes come true,
You wouldn’t believe the requests I receive,
The wishes that some children make,
I’ve been asked for a ghost that will only haunt cheese,
For a two-hundred-metre-long snake,
For a tree made of soup,
For a sabre-toothed shark,
For four unicorn nose hairs that glow in the dark,
For a sausage that flies,
For a bottom that talks,
For an active volcano that does funny walks,
For alien snot,
For a shed on the moon,
And a thumb-sized baboon that can play the bassoon,
These impossible things are too hard to deliver,
And that’s why I’m writing to plead,
This Christmas don’t wish for the things that you want,
Just wish for the things that you need.
Arrive in great sacks at my door,
And it takes me a week to climb up to the top
Of the mountain they make on the floor,
I read every one, I note every wish,
It takes quite a while but I do,
Then me and my elves do the best that we can
To make all those wishes come true,
You wouldn’t believe the requests I receive,
The wishes that some children make,
I’ve been asked for a ghost that will only haunt cheese,
For a two-hundred-metre-long snake,
For a tree made of soup,
For a sabre-toothed shark,
For four unicorn nose hairs that glow in the dark,
For a sausage that flies,
For a bottom that talks,
For an active volcano that does funny walks,
For alien snot,
For a shed on the moon,
And a thumb-sized baboon that can play the bassoon,
These impossible things are too hard to deliver,
And that’s why I’m writing to plead,
This Christmas don’t wish for the things that you want,
Just wish for the things that you need.
This poem is copyright (©) Jonathan Sellars 2025

About the Writer
Jonathan Sellars
Jonathan lives in Greenwich, England. He is severely obsessed with writing poems, primarily ones that rhyme. His work has featured in The Caterpillar and Parakeet magazine and his first picture book, Polly Plum: Brave Adventurer, comes out in Spring 2022. He has two small children, neither of whom can read or write poetry. He's not worried about that. Yet.