The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Welcome aboard The Dirigible Balloon, the publication with lots and lots of poems for children!

The crew are busy organising a flight to remember, with new places to visit, different creatures to see and a sky load of fun and adventure as well. Written and read by poets from around the world our poems will delight, intrigue and astound you.

Come have a look and prepare to lift off in The Dirigible Balloon!

The Dirigible Balloon

With our sandwiches packed
and our bottles of juice,
under fluffy white clouds and the sun,
we all climb aboard
this balloon of delight
in a search for new places and fun.
With friends by our sides,
happy faces all round
and excitement in everyone’s eyes,
our dirigible lifts
off the ground like a bird
to adventure high up in blue skies …

Jonathan Humble

Find some poems...

Jasper B. Livingstone’s Boat
Imogen Hartland
Pea Museum
Laura Theis
The Tired Wolf
Laura Theis
Dr. Rage Will See You Now
Laura Theis
The Windermere Children
Jonathan Humble
We Could Be Swifts ...
Jonathan Humble
Laura Cooney
The Day It Didn't Snow
Angela Jelf
In which strange things happen to a girl called Mary
Emma Storr
Don’t worry. I’m a doctor.
Emma Storr
Antipodean Wishlist
Emma Storr
Reach for the Sky
Stefanie Salyer
Nitpicky Nat
Judy Eisenberg
Special Delivery
Laura Cooney
Power-Cut Me…Into The Woods
Laura Cooney
Lost at Sea
Alison Manning
Don’t Call Me Diva
Katherine Mathew
The Conker Fight
Katherine Mathew
Paula Thompson
Skating Dreams
Dianne Koebel-Pede
Balloon Friends
Dianne Koebel-Pede
Who Am I?
Dianne Koebel-Pede
Christmas Prep
Jane Newberry
Is it Really a Moon?
Elliot Chester
Asleep on the Hay
Felicity Teague
Snow Angel
Helen Kemp Zax
Big Name
Jenny Mattern
Flight of the Snowflake
Jane Newberry
Paula Thompson
Winter Lights
Deb Reidy
Night Song
Deb Reidy
Pillar of Snowmanity
Jane Newberry
Alison Manning
Cathy Stenquist
Silent Night
Elena de Roo
It Never Snows in Florida
Theresa Gaughan
Snow Day
Theresa Gaughan
Winter Problem
Theresa Gaughan
For Christmas What I Want
Hilary Elder
Alison Manning
Frozen Fairy Tale
Linda Middleton
The Sunshine Box
Linda Middleton
Pencil Sharpener
Jenny Klein
Jenny Klein
Salty Stars
Kathryn Dove
Game Changer
Eleanor Brown
Ten things to do after a snow storm
Fran Bridger
What am I?
Fran Bridger
Last Word
Mona Woods Voelkel
Mona Woods Voelkel
Denim Fresh
Jenny Klein
The best thing about snow
Fran Bridger
Some Sleds
Stefan Karlsson
Curious Earl the Philosopher Squirrel
Stefan Karlsson
Rhona Stephens
Nativity Checklist
Rhona Stephens
Rhona Stephens
I like to count backwards on Wednesdays
John Dredge
Christmas time
John Dredge
Christmas clothes
John Dredge
Alien Sprout
Vicky Gatehouse
Snow Dreaming
Vicky Gatehouse
Last Night
Attie Lime
Oolong Song
Fiona Russell Dodwell
For our Christmas Tree this year …
Andy Nuttall
Holiday Dreaming
Kate ONeil
A Letter FROM Father Christmas
Jonathan Sellars
Story Nights
Kate ONeil
Winter’s Arrival
Fiona Halliday
Sense of Christmas
Fiona Halliday
I Hate My Winter Jacket
Anna Llewellyn
Something’s Come Over Mother
Anna Llewellyn
Santa's Gingerbread House
Jacoby Crane
Farm Mayhem
Fiona Halliday
The Clown of the Sea
Sally Mills
Sally Mills
Winter Starlings
Sally Mills
The Smoorsgord Beast
Clive Culverhouse
Florrie’s Christmas Wish
Rob Walton
O Tannenbaum!
Rob Walton
Joys of Snow
Kelly Marshall
Silent December
Kelly Marshall
Christmas Magic
Kelly Marshall
Stephen Connor
Raid at Trafalgar Square
Philippa Rae
No Ordinary Orrery
Stewart Ennis
Three French Hens
Stewart Ennis
There’s A Witch Made Of Pudding
Clive Culverhouse
Grandad’s Visitor
Anne Eyries
Our Scratch-Made Storm
Kendra Cardin
Christmas-ish Poems
Stewart Ennis
The Spider, the Elves and the Snowman
Christine R Milne
Henry’s House
Anne Eyries
The Fairy Dinosaur
Christine R Milne
Clive Culverhouse
What To Buy This Christmas
Kenny Davitt
What Would You Do ?
Kenny Davitt
Amanda McKenzie
Amanda McKenzie
Bright Christmas
Amanda McKenzie
Apple Pie
David Thompson
My House Choir
David Thompson
David Thompson
The Snowman
Alan M Sugar
The Wonk of Good Intentions
Robert Dresh
Angel Awake
David Bleiman
Richard Jodah
Alan M Sugar
Sound Around
Alan M Sugar
Carole Bromley
Carole Bromley
Bake Sale
Carole Bromley
What is Christmas?
Melinda Szymanik
A Christmas Tail
Melinda Szymanik
The Heart of Winter
Melinda Szymanik
I Always Play The Christmas Tree
Mark Bird
Support Your Local Unicorn
Max Gutmann
Be Kind to Stegosauruses
Max Gutmann
My Sister Jumped Into the Mud
Max Gutmann
Liz Kendall
A Bray in a Manger
Liz Kendall
Liz Kendall
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Elf on the Shelf
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Winter Walk
Jacqueline Shirtliff
A Punny Thing Happened on the Way to the North Pole
Jessica Russo
Sprout longs to ...
Louise Crosby
Tree wants to ...
Louise Crosby
Snow has fallen in the night
Louise Crosby
Tabatha Yeatts
Tabatha Yeatts
Braggy Winter Tree
Carol Coven Grannick
Snowflake Art
Carol Coven Grannick
Space Food
D. Eric Herrington
My Hair My Brilliance
D. Eric Herrington
Looking out on Christmas Eve
Kit Weston
Mum, please don’t light the fire tonight!
Kit Weston
What a Pantomime!
Morna Sullivan
The Dragonfly
Diane Lee Sammet
The Lemming
Diane Lee Sammet
The Aardvark
Diane Lee Sammet
Rebecca St. Pierre
Christmas Stocking
Julie Stevens
A Walk in Winter
Suzy Levinson
My Little Icicle
Ian Brownlie
Ode to Winter
Graham Seal
Graham Seal
Rain Again
Graham Seal
Solstice Song
Melanie Branton
Melanie Branton
In Praise of Pie
Melanie Branton
Christmas Eve Countdown
Sue Lancaster
Four Seasons
Sue Lancaster
Val Harris
A Winter Delight
Val Harris
It’s Raining Diamonds!
Josie De Falco
A Woodland’s Voice
Josie De Falco
Haiku in Winter
Josie De Falco
Graham Cawser
The Itchy Sock Spell
Ellen Forkin
How to Get Cosy
Charlotte Oliver
My Best Friend is an Alien
Charlotte Oliver
The Comeback Kid
Carmella de Keyser
Dad’s London Drive
Carmella de Keyser
View master, Christmas 1982
Emma Phillips
Emma Phillips
Painting Like Picasso
Emma Phillips
December Lights
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
Red Fox
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
Winter Day
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
It’s Snowed!
Barbara Bleiman
Waiting for Christmas Day is No Fun
Barbara Bleiman
Goodnight Everyone!
Rachel Burrows
Ruckus on the Bus
Rachel Burrows
After Home Time
Rachel Burrows
Socks ...
Rusty Fischer
Turning on the lights
Kathryn Beevor
Waltzing Mosquito
Filippo Rossi
Decorating The Tree
Kay Medway
Grandparents' House
Kay Medway
It Must Be the Wolf in Me
Stewart Ennis
Dogfish Blues
Stewart Ennis
The Tjuntjun Cat
Stewart Ennis
Surf the Sky
Jonathan Humble
Peak Poetry
Kathryn Beevor
Enquiries Desk
Carole Bromley
Carole Bromley
Tansy Beetles
Carole Bromley
Monday’s child
Rob Walton
The all-new rhyming alphabet
Rob Walton
Things I think our teacher said on the school trip
Rob Walton
The Cake Baker Of Cornwall
Jonathan Sellars
That Cloud
Jonathan Sellars
Mr McMarsh’s Eleven Moustaches
Jonathan Sellars
Bringing back the beach
Sarah Ziman
Weekend in Paris
Sarah Ziman
Second Wind
Sarah Ziman
Fruits of Success
Josie De Falco
Strawberry Picking
Josie De Falco
A Slice of Sunshine
Josie De Falco
In the Beginning
Rachel Burrows
Relative Distance
Rachel Burrows
Bearing the Consequences
Rachel Burrows
Switching On Spring
Kathryn Dove
A Promise
Kathryn Dove
Jelly Song
Kathryn Dove
I really want to read this book
Emma Lee
My Paper Crane
Emma Lee
A Surprise Pebble
Emma Lee
I Must Go Down to the Sea
Jacqueline Shirtliff
My Bike
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Good News
Carl Burkitt
A Wild Walk to School
Carl Burkitt
The Three Different Sizes of a Poem
Carl Burkitt
Insect Day
Sue Lancaster
Firework Night
Sue Lancaster
The Season Keeper
Sue Lancaster
I’m Playing Tag, Or Maybe Dobby
Annelies Judson
Annelies Judson
Annelies Judson
Here Comes Autumn
Carol Coven Grannick
End of Summer
Carol Coven Grannick
I’m Awake!
Carol Coven Grannick
Jane Newberry
Jane Newberry
Two Hoots
Jane Newberry
Rebecca Loveday
An Inexhaustible List Of Small And Important Things
Laura Cooney
Counting on the Homecoming
Linda Middleton
The Wedding
Laura Cooney
Laura Cooney
First Hunt
Elizabeth Kuelbs
Fish Fingers and Other Body Parts
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara Bleiman
Poetry’s Not for Others
Barbara Bleiman
Jammy Jammies
Caitlin Prouatt
Mud Kitchen
Caitlin Prouatt
Moving On
Rhona Stephens
Kathryn Beevor
The Ankerwycke Yew*
Rhona Stephens
Daddy Long Legs*
Rhona Stephens
The Apple
Alan M Sugar
Little Fred
Elena de Roo
Pork Air
Carmen Tiderle
Daddy Long Legs
Mims Sully
Fairy Tale Survival Guide
Julie Anna Douglas
Julie Anna Douglas
Bedtime Snacks
Attie Lime
My Best Friend is a Mermaid
Attie Lime
Singing the Praises of Porridge
Polly Owen
Polly Owen
Polly Owen
A Woosh, and a Swoosh and a Gurgly Goop
Maria Piñero Pope
Please Don't Mix
Maria Piñero Pope
Maria Piñero Pope
Simply Wild
Melinda Szymanik
A Little Sleep
Melinda Szymanik
Where the Wild Kitties Grow
Melinda Szymanik
hot chocolate
Michael Buckingham Gray
Kelly Bennett
Michael Buckingham Gray
Scarecrow, Scarecrow
Pamela Taylor
winter wind
Michael Buckingham Gray
Fall is Here
Pamela Taylor
Sea Tea Party
Pamela Taylor
Riches and What to Do With Them
Hilary Elder
Hilary Elder
A List
Hilary Elder
Steamy Corn
Mary Kate Cranston
Morning Moon
Mary Kate Cranston
Oh, hey there crows
Mary Kate Cranston
Harriet my Pirate Sister
Nick Fordham
Penguins Eat Fish
Nick Fordham
Bugs at the Table
Heather Haylock
Where Have the Frogs Gone?
Nick Fordham
The Water Cycle
Heather Haylock
Leap into the Library
Heather Haylock
Walking in a Cloud
Christiana Doucette
Flip Flops
Christiana Doucette
Christiana Doucette
Cheery Flight
Rebecca St. Pierre
Snapshot Scavenger Hunt 1,2,3
Louise Crosby
Shamik Banerjee
The Ice-cream Truck
Shamik Banerjee
The Coconut Tree
Shamik Banerjee
Carrie Maslen
The Black Swallowtails
Carrie Maslen
The Nest
Carrie Maslen
Naughty Jack-in-the-box
Fran Bridger
Small Things and Me
Fran Bridger
Walking on Air
Jacinta Patterson
Tiptoe Tina, Ballerina
Jacinta Patterson
Autumn Mirror Poem
Jenny Mattern
Circus Tent
Jenny Mattern
Sigh Away Day
Liz Kendall
The Coconut Fish
Liz Kendall
Cereals - Poales
Liz Kendall
Julie Hauswirth
When I Grow Up
Julie Hauswirth
The Scab
Fiona Bannatyne
Weather Fairies
Bri Lawyer
Snakes and Ladders
Kit Weston
Tiny Travellers
Angela Jelf
Kit Weston
Yellow Dress Day
Kate ONeil
To The Sun
Kate ONeil
Naomi Jones
Autumn Leaves
Naomi Jones
I am an Artist
Kay Medway
Things I would like to see more of
Kay Medway
The Power of Small
Susan Andrews
Nature's Small Wonders
Susan Andrews
The Crossing
Andy Nuttall
Under the Weather
Andy Nuttall
The Pebble On The Beach
Philippa Rae
Cloud Haiku
Lyn Jekowsky
Miss Lavender, our Class TA
Jason Heppenstall
Graham Seal
Flying Kites
Debbie Mathews Ross
I am the Purple Cow
Stefan Karlsson
John Claiborne Isbell
Amanda McKenzie
Ways to Throw a Small Stone
Carmella de Keyser
The Fairy by the Lake
Sandra Issa
Writing Material
Maureen Egan
Maureen Egan
The Witch of the West
Dominic James
Purple Colored Glasses
D. Eric Herrington
Quirky Turkey
Jacoby Crane
Autumn’s Helper
Julie Stevens
The Window
Steven Kent
The Sailing Tiger
Alice Becker
Summer Itinerary
Tracie Renee
Dream Big, Dream Bright
Katherine Mathew
Ginger Burke
Strawberry Summer
Michelle Volpe-Kohler
Soup Song
T Milton
Captain Blastoff
Mikey OCrikey
Pet Poems
Helen Addyman
A Violinist Plays at Dusk
Heather Weinreb
Grandma's Pickles
Heather Weinreb
Watching Carrots Grow
Heather Weinreb
That’s Just What Passes for Fun Around Here
Ian Brownlie
Ian Brownlie
I Just Ate a Poem
Ian Brownlie
Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Kelly Marshall
One Giant Leap
Claudine Pullen
Seahorse Ride
Kate DeMaio
An Acquired Taste
Jemima Laing
Choice of Words
Claire Schlinkert
Cindy Faughnan
Reptilian Fashion
Mark Bird
Helen Kemp Zax
Rock Trio
Felicity Teague
When Skeletons Catch Colds
Jessica Russo
Crustacean Castle
Daniella Kaufman
Lucky Penny
Daniella Kaufman
Autumn Leaves a Dragon
Daniella Kaufman
Springing into Summer!
Jane Trenholm
A Letter to the Frog Prince
Jane Trenholm
Ice Cores
Stephanie Jackson
Sky Garden
Lisa Roullard
What Feet Dream
Lisa Roullard
Cindy Greene
Every Morning a New Story
Madhavi Karri
Haiku Saturday
Susan Elizabeth Schipper
Cindy Greene
School Trip to a Garden
Madhavi Karri
Claire Cleans Up
Cindy Greene
Singing Along With The Stream
Madhavi Karri
Hardly Significant At All
Juli Frances Taylor
Count Along!
Fiona Halliday
Spells Count!
Fiona Halliday
Counting Confusion
Fiona Halliday
What Our Teacher Did With His Wig
Brian Moses
My Rock ’n’ Roll Girlfriends
Brian Moses
Emily’s Toy Box
Hazel Knox
Body Idioms
Val Harris
Me Vs Hedgehog
Val Harris
Caught in a Cloudburst!
Corrine Leith
At Granny's House
Corrine Leith
Thirsty Snail
Moe Phillips
Me and My Cat
Lesley James
Some VERY good questions
Lesley James
Stick Bugs, Thick Bugs
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
The Campfire
Jennifer Thomas
To Write A Poem
Rhiannon Oliver
Potion Puddle
Rhiannon Oliver
Broken Buildings
Rhiannon Oliver
Is this a poem?
Peter Devonald
Peter Devonald
Goldfinches Sing
Peter Devonald
First Day of School
Theresa Gaughan
Hidden treasures
Theresa Gaughan
To a Pineapple
Morna Sullivan
Wings and Flight
Yewande Akinse
Yewande Akinse
The intangibles
Yewande Akinse
Pondhawk at Water’s Edge
Buffy Silverman
Hognose Snake Reveals Her Inner Cobra
Buffy Silverman
On a Dogwood Tree
Buffy Silverman
Author/Illustrator Feature: Chris Riddell
Jonathan Humble
Calm down, dear! It’s just an elephant
Emma Purshouse
My Dog is a Three-letter Spell
Annick Yerem
River Morning Walk
AF Harrold
There is no Frigate like a Book
Carole Bromley
Gaynor Andrews
From the Bus
Gillian Spiller
My Silly Friend
John Dredge
The Tiniest Moves
Zaro Weil
The Travelling Cat
Gaynor Andrews
It’s All Out There
Jonathan Sellars
This Laptop
Rob Walton
Mixed-up Morning!
Sarah Ziman
Can I skate as well as Elsa?
Emma Lee
Sweet Tooth
John Dredge
The Tree that acts as a Safety Net
Emma Lee
Bonus Balloon Poems from Philip Ardagh
Philip Ardagh
Smilify your Face
Jonathan Humble
A Limerick in Yiddish
Michael Rosen
The Slab's Life
AF Harrold
Two Mums
Catherine Olver
My Cat It Has Three Corners
Annelies Judson
New Shoes (New Me)
Paula Thompson
Gustav Klunk
Julie Anna Douglas
Your six-monthly check-up is now due
Sarah Ziman
Sandy Secret
Daniella Kaufman
The Invitation
Alan M Sugar
Grandad’s Chair
Fi Calvert
Attitude Change Needed
Helen Kemp Zax
Star Player
Helen Kemp Zax
Helen Kemp Zax
Catherine Olver
You think of Me as a Dog
Christine R Milne
Woodpecker Whatsapp
Kathryn Beevor
Warriors’ Song
Felicity Teague
Tracey’s Dinner
Robert Sigley
A Little Nonsense
Fiona Bannatyne
Because their war was not so long ago…
Emma Purshouse
The table that carried the day
James Brownsell
The Castle
Corey McCarty
The Apple
Corey McCarty
One Poem at a Time
Jonathan Humble
Beach Day
Sinéad Callanan
Laundry Blues
Sinéad Callanan
On the Wings of an Ostrich
Jessica Russo
The Pencilympics
Mark Bird
A Sweetening of Dreams
Kathryn Dove
Picnic Perfect
Sinéad Callanan
My Dog's Job
Judy Lorenzen
Waiter! I am most disgusted!
Morna Sullivan
Bookmark Blues
Fiona Halliday
Have You Seen My Bus Pass?
Kathryn Dove
Heart of Oak
Kit Weston
Lunchtime Visitor
Theresa Gaughan
Goodbye Buzzy Bee
Mims Sully
Through the Bus Window
Theresa Gaughan
The Seal in My Rucksack
Lorraine Mariner
Stationery Time
Lorraine Mariner
Lorraine Mariner
A Fill-in-the-Stick Poem
Jennifer Thomas
Teru teru bōzu
Jacoby Crane
The Thundersprite
Jacoby Crane
Cats Just Have to Cat
Melinda Szymanik
Our Picnic
Jennifer Thomas
Beyond the Secret Garden
Jacinta Patterson
Walden Revisited
Jacinta Patterson
The Snow Globe
Nick Fordham
The Things My Dog Doesn’t Know
Jennifer Thomas
I wish I could go on Vacation
Gillian Spiller
A Little Bit of Lion
Gillian Spiller
Cat’s Garden
Alison Campbell
Alison Campbell
Alison Campbell
Sock Box
Annelies Judson
Don’t Laugh
Paula Thompson
Fred Did It
Paula Thompson
Waddle Like a Penguin
Barbara Bleiman
A Recipe for Dancing
Barbara Bleiman
My Litter-Picker
Vicky Gatehouse
Jive in the Hive
Vicky Gatehouse
Vicky Gatehouse
Small Problems
Annelies Judson
Ouch Chooo!
Bernard Pearson
Summer Storm
Lisa Varchol Perron
Forest Supermarket
Moe Phillips
Once a Pawn a Time
Jessica Russo
Insect Picnic Tango
D. Eric Herrington
Road Safety Advice
Bernard Pearson
Boy Boffin
Bernard Pearson
Night Mischief
Lisa Varchol Perron
Summer Fairies
Moe Phillips
My Birthday by the Lake
Sarah Hetu
The Opportunist
Sarah Hetu
What's My Number?
Sarah Hetu
Oliver Sykes
The Tube Slide
Stephanie Henson
Secret Message for Grandma
D. Eric Herrington
Rhona Stephens
Rose Sleeping, Rose Rising
Heather Weinreb
What I really want to be
Rhona Stephens
A Proper Cup of Tea
Rhona Stephens
Where Dreams Grow
Josie De Falco
That Place
Graham Seal
Julie Stevens
Grandma’s Sandwiches
Julie Stevens
Practice Makes Smerfect
Jonathan Sellars
I Do Not Like The Wind
Jonathan Sellars
Fairyland Crime Sheet
Laura Cooney
The Sandcastle
Laura Cooney
The Grass is Greener
Rachel Burrows
No Nose Harry
Evelyn Day
My Feet
Evelyn Day
Backpack Toys
Ellie Pulze
Dandelion Seeds
Philippa Rae
Jenna Stehler
Isn’t it a Wonder?
Sue Lancaster
Grandma Was a Cherry Blossom Tree
Carl Burkitt
Digging Deep
Sue Lancaster
Is It An Alligat…or?
Carl Burkitt
Sue Lancaster
Lawrence Moore
Lightning Bug Cascade
Amanda Blaylock
Amanda Blaylock
Pete's Lump of Coal
Mike Flowers
Jason Heppenstall
Our Den
Val Harris
Val Harris
Frankie and Me
Carmella de Keyser
Stick Insects
John Dredge
Chickens are too Chickeny
John Dredge
What to Wear for a Catnap
Dayle Olson
Little Birds
Dayle Olson
Osprey Chick
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
Shipwrecked Sailor Shanty
Stefan Karlsson
Pig Lit
Stefan Karlsson
Some Things I Know
Stefan Karlsson
To Antarctica
Stephen Connor
Orange, Purple and Silver Don't Rhyme
Ian Brownlie
Ian Brownlie
Situation Vacant
Helen Laycock
Usman and the Dinosaurs
Janet Hatherley
Purr-fect Packing
Helen Laycock
Helen Laycock
Upset, Sad and Blue
Patricia Brown
Janet Hatherley
At 35,000 Feet
Shamik Banerjee
Rachel Burrows
World Book Day
Rachel Burrows
My Granny is a Samurai
Emma Phillips
A Smile in the Morning
Liz Kendall
The Boy and the Wall
Emma Phillips
Tiger Day
Carole Bromley
Never Mind the Cats and Dogs
Emma Phillips
Bird Spotting with my Gran
Carole Bromley
Janis La Couvée
Three Garden Triolets
Melanie Branton
Bad Hair Day
Fiona Russell Dodwell
Barefoot on the Beach
Zaro Weil
His Poems Were Kites
Martin J Elster
Veronica Szczygiel
Fiona Russell Dodwell
Information for Artists!
Jonathan Humble
Exciting News From The Balloon
Jonathan Humble
The Magical Portal
Peter Devonald
Nursery Beasts
Moe Phillips
New Whooping Wood
Mark Bird
I Believe
Jonathan Sellars
The Lost Boomerang
Philip Kitcher
Group Projects
Stephan Soloman
Love Cats
Peter Devonald
Some Fish
Philip Ardagh
White Horses
Rhona Stephens
Poetic Licence
Graham Seal
The Arguments of Dogs
Brian Moses
A Sense of Rhythm
Graham Seal
Our Dog’s Dinner
Brian Moses
Pramod Subbaraman
Hot Air Balloon in My Backyard!
D. Eric Herrington
(un)Happy February 29th
Tracie Renee
Grocery Cart
D. Eric Herrington
Pancake Haiku
Tracie Renee
These Hands
Stefan Karlsson
Sandcastle Haiku
Tarja Helena Nevala
My Weasel's got Measles
Dale Neal
Memoirs of a Well Travelled Dancing Banana
Dale Neal
My Winter Swing
Tarja Helena Nevala
What To Do At The Airport
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
What the Wind Said to Me
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
The Web of Worries
Theresa Gaughan
Hidden Identity
Katie Mahood
The Grim Keeper
Bernard Pearson
Three Spring Haiku
Dianne Moritz
The Spark
Kendra Cardin
Rock Pool Jewel
Jane Trenholm
The Kindness Tree
Linda Middleton
The Phoenix & Me
Kendra Cardin
What If?
Linda Middleton
The Raven and The Peacock
Daniel Gauss
Skeletons Tell Terrible Jokes
John Svatins
Colin West
Family Tree
John Svatins
Pet Allergies
Simon Fairbanks
By Jingo Bingo !
Belinda Richards
Shelling Peas
Rachel Burrows
Rachel Burrows
When Daddy used the SatNav
John Svatins
Waltz of the Winter Aconites
Felicity Teague
Aunt Ellen’s Dolls’ House
Julie Anna Douglas
In the Mogshade
Rebecca Loveday
Clever Coral
Rebecca Loveday
Rhiannon Oliver
The Feet on the Street
Rhiannon Oliver
Rebecca Loveday
Dimension Of Lost Socks
K.G. Munro
The Sea Phantoms' Dance
Rebecca J Gomez
Horrible Giant
Rebecca J Gomez
What is Love?
Rhona Stephens
In a Blink
Veronica Szczygiel
The Corner
Rhiannon Oliver
Leader of Crowns
Yewande Akinse
Yewande Akinse
Derek’s Theory of Quantum Stiles
Jonathan Humble
Pancake Spell
Kathryn Beevor
Imagination Nation
Laura Cooney
My Poem is Better than Your Poem
Philip Ardagh
How to Bake a Mummy
Laura Cooney
Annelies Judson
The Hill Behind My House
Kathryn Dove
Annelies Judson
Kathryn Dove
Night Rain
Annelies Judson
Kathryn Dove
How to See a Dragon
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Trying Out Holidays
Attie Lime
Table Tennis
Mark Gilbert
Mine all Mine
Attie Lime
Every Tree is an Island
Oliver Noonday
A World Full of Poems
Attie Lime
Musical Blares
Maureen Egan
Three More Poems
Susan Andrews
Sky Art
Bonnie Lindauer
Six Grinning Ghosts
Marie Carmichael
What am I?
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Must be Spring
Eleanor Brown
Alphabet Soup
Eleanor Brown
Be Prepared
Eleanor Brown
Orion’s Belt
Seth Mueller
Lamb on the Lam
Moe Phillips
The Importance of Being Derek
Jonathan Humble
The Talk in the Trees
Melinda Szymanik
On a Ragged Rainbow
David Bleiman
Outside in
Ian Brownlie
Tutti Frutti
Morna Sullivan
A Cabbage with a Good Heart
Morna Sullivan
Haircut Jitters
Pamela Taylor
Can You Move?
Pamela Taylor
Let’s Go to the House of the Neighbourhood Witch
Niamh Savage
The Disaster Kid
Niamh Savage
Captain Caterpillar
Deb Reidy
Instrument Selection Day
Deb Reidy
Ian Brownlie
The Time Machine
Ian Brownlie
Grandma's Garden
Christine Hennigan
The Mind Garden
Josie De Falco
Katsura Tree
Josie De Falco
Julie Stevens
I Say Sweater
Jennifer Thomas
A Bit of a Ribbit
Jennifer Thomas
My Busy Brain
Jennifer Thomas
Carole Bromley
Good Loser
Deb Reidy
My Funny Rolling Pin
Colin West
A Roman Banquet
Josie De Falco
In the Garden
Barbara Bleiman
Barbara Bleiman
John Dredge
I Want to Ride That Pony
Barbara Bleiman
When the Light Goes Off
Sarah J Dodd
Sarah J Dodd
Jackdaw Cub
Lindsay Comer
Stomp and Shout
Sarah J Dodd
A Brand New House
John Dredge
If not for Combs
Charles Hughes
Meteor Message
Catherine Olver
If not for Blue
Charles Hughes
I Am Not in the Mood Today
Sarah Ziman
SMART Granny
Catherine Olver
No More Majes-Tea and Scones?
Catherine Olver
A Hard Lesson for King Midas
Charles Hughes
A Question of Alliteration
Fiona Halliday
Sarah Ziman
The Dance of the Forest
Sarah Steinbacher
Shoelace Stress
Hazel Knox
What Would I See If I Were A Tree?
Juli Frances Taylor
Bedtime Routine
Lee Blevins
Erik Asbjorn
Havoc In The Skies
Hazel Knox
Let's Get a Move On
Val Harris
You and Me
Sue Lancaster
The Poem That Wouldn’t Stop Finishing My Sentences
Carl Burkitt
Waiting For The Green Man
Carl Burkitt
Kay Medway
Day Trip
Kay Medway
Here Come the Lions!
Gillian Spiller
How to Sail a House
Sarah Wallis
Bee Rescue
Lisa Allen
My Cat is Better Than You
Justin Horton
Slide Down a Sunbeam
Stacey Ramirez
When a Noise Annoys
Jude Simpson
Starling’s Lullaby
Kit Weston
Jude Simpson
Summoning the Winds
Kit Weston
King Tutankhamun Speaks
Harry Glass
A Sensory Second
Alicia Meyers
Underneath a Leaf
Jude Simpson
Balloon Ride Anyone?
Jonathan Humble
It’s All In A Book
Kenny Davitt
Preparations with the Decorations
Niamh Savage
Dear Auntie Judith
Colin West
A Riddle
Julia Murphey
Time Management
Graham Seal
Snow Play
Jennifer L Blanck
You and I and the Dragonfly
Heather Wastie
I Discovered a Hole in My Jammies
Niamh Savage
If Books were Elephants
Heather Wastie
Essence of Fireweed
Josie De Falco
This Year
Ian Brownlie
Jone Rush MacCulloch
Someone with Fur
Aneeta Brown
New Year, Leap Year
Kathryn Dove
My Turkey Tom
Lauri C Meyers
Breakfast Rose
Lauri C Meyers
Stinky Sock
Lauri C Meyers
Harry Glass
Lickawish Allsports
Harry Glass
Running Late
Harry Glass
The Dragon Who Came to Dinner
Rebecca Loveday
Templeton Moss
A Kiss on the Nose
Templeton Moss
Templeton Moss
Kathryn Beevor
the moon holds fast on the longest night
Amaleena Damlé
At the Heart of the Tree
Jonathan Humble
Amy Fox
Snow Bunting
Louise Crosby
Summer Christmas
Annelies Judson
The Christmas Baker
Dominic J. Sweeney
December Light
Alan M Sugar
Christmas Sense
Mark Bird
Linda Kohler
Disco Dancer
Morna Sullivan
Winter Word Warning
Lisa Roullard
Tarja Helena Nevala
Twenty-Eight Waxwings
Louise Crosby
Here to Stay is a New Bird
Stefan Karlsson
Winter Portrait
Hilary Elder
Dear Santa
Kathryn Dove
The Abominable Ballet
Stefan Karlsson
The Stocking
Ian Brownlie
3 Poems
Susan Andrews
Rhona Stephens
The King of Christmas
Rhona Stephens
Joyce Uglow
Christmas Traditions
Fiona Halliday
Christmas Wish List
Hilary Elder
Planet Decorations
Hilary Elder
The Sleep Before Christmas
Kendra Cardin
Temperatures Drop
Jone Rush MacCulloch
Three Chairs for Christmas!
Jane Trenholm
A Winter Walk
Pamela Taylor
Christmas Tree
Rhona Stephens
Joyce Uglow
Winter's Gifts
Pamela Taylor
Paper Snowflake
Angela Jelf
Merry Christmas!
Fiona Halliday
Joyce Uglow
A Bishopbriggs December with Granny
Laura Cooney
The Sorrow of St. Nicholas
Damon Hubbs
Fiona Halliday
The Pageant
Christine Hennigan
Winter Boy
Carl Burkitt
A Series of Poems on How Trees Wear Snow
Carol Labuzzetta
My Thick Coat
Carl Burkitt
One Night in Bethlehem
Jennifer Thomas
A Reindeer Called Jeff
Carl Burkitt
Winter Wear
Jennifer Thomas
There's lots to love at Christmas
Helen Addyman
Helen Addyman
Whitest Winter
Helen Addyman
Laura Cooney
Christmas Congregation
Felicity Teague
Ice Skating in Boston
Damon Hubbs
Rob Walton
Soft Winter
Laura Fowler
Winter's Wind
Laura Fowler
Santa’s Souped-up Supersleigh
Claire Lewis
I Want a Baby Elephant for Christmas
Dianne Moritz
Winter Haiku
Lyn Jekowsky
Packed for Winter
Laura Fowler
Through My Window
Lyn Jekowsky
A Christmas Dream
Josie De Falco
Ingredients for Christmas Spirit
Josie De Falco
All I want’s a …
Lucy Falkner
Letter to Santa/Letter From Santa
Val Harris
A Cautionary Christmas Pudding Tale
Val Harris
Ode to a Brussel Sprout
Helen Laycock
Oh Christmas Three
Rob Walton
Season of Lights
Kit Weston
What Christmas Decorations Talk About
Kit Weston
Gingerbread City
Rebecca Loveday
Through the Snow
Helen Dineen
Colored Candles
Buffy Silverman
Two Acrostic Christmas Poems
Cynthia Mackey
Matthew Winter
Empty Christmas Stocking
Kit Weston
The Road to Winter
Melinda Szymanik
Christmas Star
Julie Stevens
Ready for Christmas
Julie Stevens
Sufganiyot: Hanukkah Jelly Donuts
Helen Kemp Zax
Still Winter
Bernard Pearson
A Cat Called Penguin
Sarah Wallis
If you’re gonna be a reindeer
Ciara OConnor
The Chill Dragons
Ciara OConnor
The Cat Who Stole Christmas
Moe Phillips
the day after the snow day
Theresa Gaughan
White Christmas
Theresa Gaughan
The Best Gift
Theresa Gaughan
Gaynor Andrews
Waiting for Friends
Gaynor Andrews
Naughty List
Julie Hauswirth
Snow Crystals
Matthew Winter
Two Santa Poems from Carmen
Carmen Tiderle
Sprouts Out!
Juli Frances Taylor
Snow White
Matthew Winter
Christmas is Cancelled
Nannie Shakespeare
A Story for Naughty Children
Nuala McEvoy
Old Snoremouse
Oliver Noonday
The Brand-new Christmas Tree
Graham Seal
Father Christmas Lost His Whiskers
Graham Seal
A Flower and Snow
Maggie Ann Lockett
Megan Lebron
Snow Day
Megan Lebron
Raymond Betancourt
The Snowman
Raymond Betancourt
Merry Everything
Stephanie Henson
A Perfect Tree
Stephanie Henson
Kay Medway
Mona Woods Voelkel
The Snow’s Not Sticking
Sue Lancaster
Christmas Time
Sue Lancaster
Robin Robinski
Kathryn Beevor
When the Wind Blows
Melinda Szymanik
Advent Calendar
Carole Bromley
Polka-dotty Snow
Carol Coven Grannick
Little Deer in Winter
Carol Coven Grannick
Cleaning the Menorah for Hanukkah
Carol Coven Grannick
Christmas Crackers
Deb Reidy
If it were Christmas Day
Zaro Weil
The Desert Dogs of Tjuntjuntjara
Stewart Ennis
Cousin Claire
Colin West
Picnic in Autumn
Felicity Teague
The Tires of Day
John Claiborne Isbell
Bird Bath
Sarah Steinbacher
John Claiborne Isbell
Special Season
Morna Sullivan
Kathryn Beevor
Pog the Pig
Jonathan Sellars
Tidying the Room of Despair
Christopher Smith
A Summer's Day
Jacoby Crane
Jack O' The Lantern
Jacoby Crane
Rebecca Simpson Hargreaves
My Lucky Leaf
Suzy Levinson
Bathroom (not so) Suite
Colin West
Field Trip
Sharon Korzelius
The Nautulis Shell
Lyn Jekowsky
A Welcome Mat For Hedgehogs
Fran Bridger
A Rotten Revolting Repulsive Recipe
Juli Frances Taylor
Doing My Bit (Environment)
Fran Bridger
A Journey of Hope
Josie De Falco
Water Mess
Helen Addyman
The Blue Backpack
Damon Hubbs
Jennifer Grouch
Lawrence Moore
Do Not Badger The Badger
Paul Jenkins
A Conker!
Harry Glass
Julius Sees A …
Harry Glass
Spider Season
Sue Lancaster
Rebecca Simpson Hargreaves
Autumn’s Splendour
Harry Glass
Come On Then!
Rebecca Simpson Hargreaves
Silk Spinner
Rebecca Simpson Hargreaves
Kathryn Beevor
When It’s Up To Me
Hazel Knox
Ruth Fishman
Poems from Isla and Lucy
Michael Tyldesley
But what Rhymes with Limerick?
Ruth Fishman
Ode to a Pencil
Juli Mayer
The Umbrella of Invisibility
Graham Seal
Dominic J. Sweeney
The Cyclone Kid
Graham Seal
Backpack Blues
Juli Mayer
Robot, Robot
Graham Seal
Supper Time
Barbara Bleiman
What the Nose Knows
Kate ONeil
A Forgotten Pebble in a Pocket
Philip Ardagh
Daffodils, Hula Hoops and Jellies?
Dominic J. Sweeney
Remarkable Rhino
Juli Mayer
This is the Bulb
Deborah Holt Williams
The Worm
Ian Brownlie
The Forest And I
Dominic J. Sweeney
What to Do If You Are a Cicada
Judy Lorenzen
I Don’t Like Tomatoes
Katrina Swenson
The Day the Clouds Swam Away
Kit Weston
No Winner in the Broomstick Race
Jane Trenholm
Alwyn Marriage
Perfectly Imperfect Pumpkin
Bri Lawyer
Advice from My Grandfather
Daniel Galef
Learning to Surf
Katrina Swenson
The Tallest Snowman Ever
Katrina Swenson
Back-to-School Rocket
Elizabeth Kuelbs
Sir Roger and the Witch
Pamela Jones
Witch Stew
Bri Lawyer
Harry Glass
Evening Canvas
Sarah Steinbacher
Two Small Feet
Sarah Steinbacher
The Tiny Light
M. Schwartz
Mark Starling
The Ocean Sunfish
Linda Trott Dickman
Poetry News from the Balloon!
Jonathan Humble
Autumn Shimmer
Carol Coven Grannick
The Emperor of Rhyme
Damian Balassone
Full Wolf Moon
Carol Coven Grannick
If Not For Shoes
Charles Hughes
The Talker
Damian Balassone
One Star, One Hill
Carol Coven Grannick
When April Comes … ACHOO!
Melissa Rotert
There's a Cat on my Head
Juli Frances Taylor
The Flabbergast
Bill Nagelkerke
Many Futures
Ian Brownlie
David Cameron
Macaroni Sneeze
Jen Wallace
I’m Hungry
Veronica Szczygiel
Beach Time Fun!
Joy Moore
Palace Gardens
Kay Medway
Ence-Pence, W Której Ręce?
Veronica Szczygiel
Imagination Poem
Zaro Weil
Elena de Roo
The Book
Jonathan Humble
Flight of the Moon
Kit Weston
Buffy Silverman
Catching Leaves
Sue Lancaster
Val Harris
Paper Plane Poem
Kathryn Dove
Lost Albatross
Brian Moses
Take Off!
Kathryn Dove
Buffy Silverman
Flight of Fancy
Kit Weston
Lakeside Haiku
Buffy Silverman
What is Flight?
Val Harris
The Flight of the Geese
Gaynor Andrews
Flying to New Zealand (AOTEAROA)
Val Harris
A Cinquain for Ascending
Jennifer Thomas
Learning To Fly
Brian Moses
Albatross Dreaming
Kathryn Dove
Biggles in Goggles
Colin West
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Off to Africa
Jacqueline Shirtliff
Jacqueline Shirtliff
The Flying Diving Mouse
Rob Walton
Flight Commander
Rob Walton
First Flight
Deb Reidy
Soaring Swings
Sarah Steinbacher
Nature's Fleeting Flight
Sarah Steinbacher
Taxi's Waiting
Sarah Steinbacher
Balloon Flight
Fiona Halliday
Flightless Bird Support
Fiona Halliday
Mr. Frumple’s Grumble
Jennifer Thomas
Moth’s First Flight
Jennifer Thomas
Natural Flight
Fiona Halliday
Noises from the Witch's Broom
Christine R Milne
Cloud in a Jam Jar
Christine R Milne
Christine R Milne
Housefly Holiday
Sarah Ziman
Flights of Fancy
Richard Jodah
A Flight Is A Flight
Moe Phillips
Golden Wings
Julie Anna Douglas
The Ball
Ian Brownlie
Ian Brownlie
Soaring in Harmony
Karla Kane
My Love For You
Jessica Milo
Juli Frances Taylor
Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly
Josie De Falco
Willow Emerald Damselfly
Josie De Falco
Laura Cooney
Who Am I?
Jacoby Crane
Postcard Home
Linda Middleton
Dream Flight
Mark Bird